Monday 11 June 2007

Yellow Wife No.5

Taken from "Life Starts Here" 2002.

"No connection between hot box and zip code
Circling Fort Recovery
For landing instructions

Save yourself
Stay alive
With Yellow Wife No. 5

White crushed Americans
Need weird energy
Time descriptions
Same old tricks
For computer strategy

Save yourself
Stay alive
With Yellow Wife No. 5"

The guitars at the start of this song remind me a mixture of the Mamas and Papas and an old Goth track. Weird. "Yellow Wife No.5" eh? What happened to the first 4 Yellow wives. They met sinister ends I expect. This song could easily slip onto "Green" by REM. The repeated Chorus gets under your skin and is just the right length before it gets too repetitive. Any ideas what Bobs on about?

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