Thursday, 21 June 2007

No Welcome Wagons

Taken from "Selective Service" 2001

"Pandemonium ensues
Sure enough fire and the dog barks
Let's get acquainted
Been so many days or should I say
"So long"
On the outset jets coming
People tend to take you away
Send me to the grip of funerals
The pain is in each character
Facing it always does
Wake up and pray tell
Where can we get off
Lean one
Double up your fists for the undercut
Pandemonium subsides
Rest assured
No welcome wagons will be there
When I get home"

Another fading-in Acoustic oddity. Cant quite work out what the song is about. It sounds like someone waking up with random thoughts then drifts back off to sleep. Bob can literally write these sort of songs in his sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read that the "Dayton, OH - 19 something and 5" b-sides are very personal songs that deal with his divorce.